miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010

Viral de Eristoff

Amij@s del Blog de PTR! Gracias a la gente de El Rincón del Publicista hoy os traemos una campaña viral que ha causado estragos en la fría Rusia. Resulta que la gente de Eristoff se las arregló para colar los videos virales de su campaña en todos los telediarios rusos, creando una expectación tremenda como podeis imaginar...

Estos son los susodichos videos:

Y este es el video final de la campaña:

Si quereis leer toda la repercusión y demás, aquí está:

Agencia: Firma Style

sábado, 23 de octubre de 2010

jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010

Like a Golf

Anunciante: Volkswagen.
Agencia: DDB London.

First ad for the car maker since its controversial campaign featuring fight scenes inspired by the Bourne and Matrix movies:

lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010

Shepard Fairey.


In 1989, as a student at Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), Fairy created a stencil of the famous wrestler Andre the Giant and added the caption “Andre the Giant has a Posse.” He made stickers that he posted all over Providence. They caused a commotion. After a while, he simplified the image by cropping it. He changed the caption to “Obey Giant,” and then to just “Obey.” He says that is the message of all advertising.
“If my manifesto could be condensed to two sentences, they would be: Empower yourself and question everything,” he told an interviewer. “People are paralyzed by fears of failure and they think their efforts won’t make a difference.”